
Common vision problems associated with brain injury

  Traumatic brain injury (TBI) occurs when the normal functioning of the brain is interrupted by a blow to the head or vibration. This can cause vision problems such as blurred vision or double vision, as well as difficulty moving, focusing and tracking the eyes. This can cause headaches, dizziness, and nausea, especially if the person with TBI needs to focus on a specific location or task. Nearly 58 million people have been hospitalized for TBI at some point in their lives, and more than 10 million cases of TBI occur worldwide each year.   According to studies, more than 90% of patients with traumatic brain injury have some form of vision loss, although vision problems are often overlooked in the initial treatment of brain injury. Vision damage can take a long time to show, so be aware of any changes in vision after a concussion or head injury. If you notice any changes in your vision, contact the leading vision therapy experts immediately. ...

Brain injury vision

  Today, more and more people with vision problems are choosing vision therapy , both for adults and children. But have you ever thought why? This is because it is a healthy physical therapy and its goal is to train the visual system to correct itself. A professional ophthalmologist will begin by ex amining the patient's eyes. It is during this examination that the doctor can truly identify vision problems and recommend an individualized approach to vision therapy treatment accordingly. Vision therapy may include special training glasses, exercises, the use of eye patches, and computer software.   Vision therapy has many benefits, including the following:   • Medicines can treat common vision problems in children, such as crossed eyes, double vision and lazy eye. The best part is that this is a non-surgical treatment.   • It is the ideal treatment for stressed adults or those who spend long hours staring at their PC, laptop, tablet or computer. An optom...

Vision Therapy

  In most cases, good vision refers to a person’s ability to see things clearly which can be made possible by a perfect synchronization of the brain, eyes, and nerves. If they don’t work properly, a person is more likely to face issues in seeing things clearly. Eyesight therapy aids in the development of the visual skills required for good vision. To make eye movements easier and more efficient, optical gadgets and exercises are utilized to strengthen the eye-brain connection. The patient learns how to process the visual information received by the brain from the eyes correctly or brain injury vision . Vision Therapy is meant for: Visual issues connected to learning: Poor eye teaming, concentrating, tracking, and visualizing skills can all have a negative impact on learning. Crossed Eye (Strabismus) or Lazy Eye (Amblyopia): Instead of surgery, glasses, or patching, Vision Therapy can be used to cure crossed or lazy eyes. Vision Therapy is most beneficial for many issues when...

Factors That Trigger Vision Migraines

  If you ever faced a sudden change in your vision, the reason could be a visual migraine. This problem is a part of the vision decrease in one eye. During the course of an ocular migraine flare, a person may encounter flashing or iridescent lights, zigzagging streaks, or sometimes planets. It may also lead to the creation of blind spots in your range of vision. A visual migraine stroke might make it harder to do activities such as reading, writing, or driving. The symptoms are usually only transitory, and a visual migraine is not regarded as a significant disorder. There are primarily two kinds of Vision migraine . ·          Migraine Auras ·          Retinal Migraine If one eye experiences recurring temporary blindness or visual loss, retinal migraines should be suspected. This is caused by sudden changes in the retina, a network of small blood vessels at the back of the eye that transmit...